Impact of volunteering at Dhyanalinga temple, Coimbatore
What led me to Dhyanalinga at Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, India?
Oct 2022, was the year when I decided to move back to India to reconnect with my roots and to be close to my family after living in the US for over 8 years. In September 2022 I made the decision and started planning my surprise move to India — yes it was impulsive but planned.
In September of the same year, I signed up for Samyama for the 2nd time. The first time was in 2020, but I had to decline the humble invite from Isha Yoga Center for Samyama due to personal reasons. Maybe I wasn’t ready. But this time, I was determined to prepare and go in December for Samyama 2022. However, when I reached the ashram in the first week of December, I informed the teachers that I was not well prepared for Samyama but I wanted to participate in Linga Seva without knowing what it was. I had only seen some people wearing white robes in the Dhyanalinga temple, who exuded beautiful energy and were so welcoming to everyone entering the temple. I wanted to experience that way of life for 2 weeks.
Dhyanalinga is the largest shiva linga consecrated by Sadhguru over a period of 3 years, architecturally designed in a way that the whole structure is believed to survive for another 5000 years at least. When people enter the space, they are not asked to meditate, they are just supposed to sit for at least 15 minutes in silence and walk out after taking a parikrama.
A personal experience on the 9th day of Seva. It unedited unfiltered pure experience of being in seva at this highly energetic space:
‘Oh dhyana linga, when I came to you, I wasn’t aware of the why. It was a pull, a senseless one that brought me close. I bowed and went about every day. Slowly, you showed your magnanimity, not in physicality but with your presence.
When I felt the presence, I had unknowingly opened myself and felt that I was being taken and I was no more contained in the body. But the mind got in the way and fear took over. I snapped out…. Confused.
The silence touched again in grace, the being opened, mind surrendered and I bowed.
I bowed, now absolutely ready to surrender, prepared to be taken, ready to serve. Ready to offer myself to your magnanimity and be the moment that would perhaps impact the course of my life.
O, the magnanimous one, absorb the whole of me and let me dissolve in you. 🙏